The words "Outsourcing" and"Freelancing" gives them new hope to start their career without any hassle of getting a traditional office based job. Now many of them are earning in their own way with complete freedom through the help of freelancing and outsourcing. Their earning is not less than that of others of traditional job, instead it would be two or more times bigger.
In order to start outsourcing career, everyone should get some basic knowledge on it. I try to present briefly the core concept of Outsourcing and Freelancing in this blog and show the ways of online earning in a regular basis. Everyday, more and more ways of online earning are being discovered and to keep up with this I'll update the blog regularly.
Who is a Freelancer?
A freelancer, freelance worker, or freelance is a person who is self-employed and is not committed to a particular employer long term. These workers are sometimes represented by a company or an agency that resells their labor and that of others to its clients with or without project management and labor contributed by its regular employees. Others are completely independent. "Independent contractor" would be the term used in a higher register of English.Benefits of Being a Freelancer
Freelance work offers tremendous advantages and can represent an attractive alternative to a traditional job. If you are considering a freelance career, you should explore the benefits and pitfalls of freelancing. Below are 20 advantages of freelance work.
- Flexibility of hours
- Building an asset
- Work load control
- Autonomy
- Quality of work
- National exposure
- New skills
- No office politics
- No commute
- Freedom
- Income control
- Work-life balance
- Respect
- Tax benefits
- New opportunities.
- New connections
In Which Field of Online Freelancer Can you be?
Fields in which freelancing is Popular
photography, event planning,event management, proofreading, computer programming, web design, graphic design, website development, consulting, tour guiding, video editing, translating, illustrating and micro jobs.